Practical Fishkeeping is Britain's best-selling fishkeeping publication, filled with species showcases, fishkeeping answers, advice, competitions, amazing features and much more!
The angry noodle • Would you fork out good money on what looks like a moody worm? Many loach keepers would, and this is exactly what they're after.
THE WILD, WILD WEST • Oliver Lucanus looks at the shrinking habitat of what was once an aquarium favourite— the Texas cichlid.
The joy of tiddlers • It's likely the first fish that many of us saw or caught in the wild, and while it has it has its challenges, the three-spined stickleback is a delight to keep.
THREE TO SPOT • The UK hosts three species of stickleback, at least two of which are occasionally seen on sale. Look out for…
Home grown mandarins! • With wild caught mandarins so frequently in poor condition, one man decided to start a UK-based breeding program.
The giant dwarves • Bigger than Apistogramma and prettier than kribensis, the red cheek krobia could be the mid-sized community cichlid you've been looking for.
Of inselbergs and morichales • Ivan Mikolji provides a visual feast as he explores the bumps and oases of sunny Colombia.
Fishing Answers • Got a fishkeeping question? PFK's crack team of aquatics experts are on hand to answer whatever you need to know…
Are stickle backs suited to my wildlife pond?
Is there a cure for this whitespot look-alike?
Can I mix angels and discus?
What's nipping my guppies' tails?
How many piranhas should I aim for?
Can we put tigers in this tank?
Are filefish a good trigger alternative?
What can I replace this pond plant with?
which blenny or goby would suit this small tank?
Why won't this water clear?
How do I spawn these cave-dwelling tetras?
How often should I do a water change?
Why is my Flowerhorn yawning?
What's killing my carp?
Good enough to eat… • We usually think of ponds as filled with koi or goldfish, not as a living pantry. But how about all the greenery that can go on the menu? Emma Hill explains.
UNDERSTANDING FISH STRESS, THE SILENT KILLER • Can fish become stressed? What are the causes of their stress? And if they can, how can we minimise it?
It's pronounced ‘buh-sheer’ • Looking like snakes with fins, bichirs are an oddball aquarist's staple. Who better to tell us more than the author of The Bichir Handbook?
SUPPLEMENTS FOR POCKET MONEY • Nathan reviews three useful liquid supplements that won't break the bank.
AAGB MEMBER'S WEEKEND APRIL 2023 • Colin Dunlop reports on the recent AAGB meeting, with exciting talks and even more exciting fish on show.
Practical Fishkeeping
JAMIE HENDLE • This month we hand over Tailpiece to guest writer Jamie Hendle, a man passionate about his big fish and wholly unashamed to call himself an aquarist!