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Gun Digest
9mm ULTRA • Also known as the 9mm Police.
THE QUICK DRAW • Tested: fast draws, hip shooting, point shooting and the value of using sights.
AVOIDING THE STUPID • Don’t go to stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things.
BOTH HANDS ON THE WHEEL • All the bits and drivers you need for common firearms.
EDC ADVICE FROM 6 EXPERTS • Here’s how to be more prepared, and more comfortable, while carrying a concealed handgun.
WHAT SHOULD A GUN BE MADE OF? • Guns were once exclusively made of metal and wood. And then came plastic.
LOAD UP VERY, VERY CAREFULLY • Handgun ammo you can bet your life on.
5.7x28 FOR EDC? • Yes and no … and maybe.
KIMBER KDS9C • A modernized 1911.
EDC IN THE INTERNET AGE • TikTok and Insta are all wrong.
Rescue Knives Save Lives • Blades that are purpose-built with materials and features meant to aid people in dire need.