Gardeners' World Magazine is the authoritative voice in gardening, the clear market-leader since it launched in 1991. The award-winning editorial includes topical, practical advice in the readers' favourite 'what to do now' section, and regular contributions and features from the top names in BBC gardening. Packed with fresh ideas and clear advice - the innovative approach offers creative, practical and problem-solving solutions to all keen gardeners.
Gardener’s Worldmagazine Subscriber CLUB
Dear subscriber
We love December • If you were a Norseman (or woman) then your thoughts at this time of year would be of Yule logs. Fathers and sons would go off to the forest and drag huge logs to the homestead where they would chuck them on the fre. They would then feast until the log had been reduced to ashes, so the larger the log, the longer the feast (the Norse were not noted for their abstemious ways). Fortunately, we don’t have to go quite that far: a small sherry, a pair of novelty socks and a mince pie should see us through to 2022.
Expert’s choice Shrubby dogwoods • These flaming beauties offer fiery autumn leaves followed by vibrant winter stems, says Graham Rice
FREE* blueberry ‘Bluegold’ for every reader! WORTH £9.99 • ‘Bluegold’* is a highbush-type blueberry producing reliable crops of mid-sized fruit, packed with antioxidants. Ripening over several weeks, they’re great fresh or in smoothies. Resistance to disease and pests means it’s an ideal garden variety. In autumn, the leaves develop fery colours before they fall. Grow in full sun for the tastiest fruit. Self-fertile but will do even better with a pollination partner.
The Full Monty • As guardians of our own little plots of land, we can all do our bit to tackle environmental issues – and Monty’s Three Ps are a good place to start
Have your say • The view from your side of the fence
Supply and demand
Clippings • Our roundup of the month’s latest gardening news and views
Gardeners’ World TV specials
News in brief
Boxing Day walks • Enjoy the best walk of the year with friends and family, and use your 2 for 1 Entry in some of our favourite landscape gardens
Garden visiting update
YOUR REWARDS • As a member of our Subscriber Club you enjoy exclusive rewards and benefits throughout the gardening year
Small steps to big changes • Gardening more sustainably, however tiny our plots, can add up to huge progress. Monty outlines some key changes we can all make to green up our footprints
The uncomfortable truth about plastic
Colour for every space • In the final part of her series, Carol Klein shows you how to put colour theory into practice no matter how tricky your plot
A-Z of house plants • Bring drama into your home with the trailing stems of this colourful plant
Your homemade Christmas • Make the most of your garden’s bounty by creating beautiful festive wreaths and other decorations for your home. Designer Shilpa Reddy shows you how
Rejoice in a real tree • The festive season can truly begin once the Christmas tree is up. Adam Frost has tips on choosing the best variety, keeping it looking fresh and putting it to good use after Twelfth Night
Creative Christmas gifts • Make it a homemade Christmas this year. Give these sets just as they are or use them to craft extra-special gifts for the gardeners in your life
Homegrown Christmas • Nothing brings family and friends together at Christmas like sharing a roast dinner with fresh produce from the garden. With a little forward planning, it’s easy to grow your own festive fare. Whether you sow parsnips in spring, plant potatoes in summer or simply pot up some herbs for seasonings, why not take up the challenge...