"Drawing on his military experience, Mitchell is entirely believable in depicting the dangerous contest between committed opponents on opposite sides of the War on Terrorism." R. Gibbons, European Security Expert
SYNOPSIS: After numerous terrorist cells in America are captured, Al-Qaeda's leadership resorts to hiring an always-successful political assassin, the Black Camel. Her mission: force America to pull out of the Middle East and Africa. As wide-spread attacks spread chaos across the USA, the FBI is compelled to employ an unconventional counter-terrorism team to track down the assassin. Can a street-smart FBI Special Agent and a jaded Israeli Mossad Field Officer stop the Black Camel? Or will the terrorist send them to their deaths and coerce America to accept Al-Qaeda's demands?
This is a full-length counterterrorism thriller and is book-5 in Ed's award-winning Gold Lust Series. 356 pages.