Chances are good, if this title caught your eye, you already know you need this book, so I'm not going to attempt to convince you.
The unprecedented burnout we're collectively experiencing in the writing world today means two things.
Oh, and there's a third reason, too... because if we need to recover from burnout, we need support, encouragement, and camaraderie. That's why this book exists.
I've coached thousands of writers. Six- and seven-figure authors, major award winners, midlisters, and new authors alike. And there are patterns to what writers think and feel about our careers and our books. Those patterns are why I'm here, writing to you.
If you are overwhelmed, tired, frustrated with your career or your sales... if you're stuck or stalled... come and join me inside these pages, and we'll talk about why.
Why is key.
We've got this. Let's get you out of this pit.
- Becca