'A Lifetime in Longhaul — The Bigger Picture' is an opportunity to look into the fascinating world of longhaul aviation.
In this latest book, 'A Lifetime in Longhaul — The Bigger Picture' Bill Anderson includes the stories from seven senior Qantas Captains and four long serving senior ground staff from the operational departments of Engineering, Flight Dispatch and Ops Control.
These are all 'hands on' people and their stories allow you to experience the many day to day problems and decisions that occur in the running of a major world airline.
Bill's forty years with Qantas allowed him to meet many wonderful people across the aviation spectrum, but specifically within the Qantas group. The Qantas staff in this book all work at the 'coal face' and all of them have interesting tales to tell. To date there has been little attempt to record the recollections of their individual life-long working days. This book attempts to address that shortfall.
The staff members whom you will meet, speak not only for themselves, but also for their colleagues in the industry. They are the U in Qantas. Their recollections are told with great candour, sometimes humourous, sometimes exciting with a number of close calls.